Monday, August 30, 2010


I am filled with the warm glow of achievement. Granted, that's an unfamiliar emotion for a Monday morning, but I found out over the weekend that an article I wrote while at PC Magazine in 2008 was cited in an academic paper published by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, which appears to have some association with the United Nations. I know, random.

Both my article and the IRBC paper dealt with the virtual firewall the People's Republic of China has set up to regulate Internet use within its borders. The citation probably doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but it's super cool for me. At least it seems to indicate that someone read that article. Yay!

Just for giggles and page views, here are some of the other things I wrote while at PC Mag. Eventually I'll have a personal website with a full archive of all my stuff, so consider this a teaser.

10 Futuristic Movie Gadgets Become Reality - This was the first thing I wrote for PC Mag, and it got more than a million hits in just a few days. I joked for the rest of my time there that I peaked in week two.

Laptops for College Grads - This was picked up by the New York, Boston and Philly equivalent of the Chicago Tribune's RedEye (ie, the free paper passed out on the subway). Excitement!

Beyond Guitar Hero - The research for this one was fun. I really want to try the FretLight.

Take Your Tech to the Beach - I think this was the only article I wrote that appeared in the print magazine.

Laptop Orchestra Makes (Sound) Waves - Another fun one to research. I even got press passes to the performance at Carnegie Hall.

Employee Monitoring: It's Not Paranoia - You Really Are Being Watched! - Just to creep you out.

Your Complete Father's Day Gift Guide - Graphic-tastic.

Solio Hybrid 1000 - The one review I wrote.

In other news, today marks my return to Lake the Posts as the official NUMB blogger. My first post of the 2010 season will be up later today; I'll be sure to include a link here.

UPDATE, 4:28 pm: My post went up over at LTP! Check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Getting cited is the hardest thing to do. No matter how many books and articles we write, if no one cites them (a.k.a. reads them), then how are they contributing to the wider conversation? Obviously, you are. Definitely something to be very proud of. : )
