Thursday, April 26, 2012

Praha in 48 hours

In Prague's Old Town Square. Photos by Brittany Petersen

I spent a total of less than 48 hours in the Czech Republic, and it was AWESOME! I ate a fish that was delivered to my table with the head still attached; drank beer for lunch, dinner, and almost breakfast; attended both classic opera and modern dance (blacklight theater!) performances; and saw a large chunk of an ancient city in a matter of hours. Above is my favorite shot from my first trip to the Motherland. I'm SO glad I brought the nice camera (Nikon DSLR) on the trip, though I curse its weight whenever I have to lug it around airports and train stations.

I'm realizing that, as much as I'd like to liveblog my entire five-week journey, there are a lot of stories that I'll simply need to tell after I get home. The experiences themselves are somewhat distracting, as you might imagine. (Don't feel bad for me. I certainly wouldn't.)

Soon I'll post the conclusion of the "Conquering Paris" story, but be assured that I have many more stories from France, the Czech Republic, Ireland, England and -- as I arrive today! -- Italy to come! And now I'm traveling with my grandparents, who met me in Prague and will be traversing most of Italy with me, so that's a whole new realm of fun. (No seriously, they're hilarious.)


With my Grandma on the St. Charles Bridge in Prague.

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